Membership is open to anyone interested in the metal working avocation. Our membership includes people with all skill levels, from amateur, to professional machinist and engineer. Come join us at monthly meetings and special events . Those not within commuting distance of Houston, TX USA can participate through the web site and our TINKERING news group. Download the Club Bylaws . Email the club President for more information.
Club dues include a one time $8 initiation fee plus $15 per year prorated to the following September. Dues are paid to the club Treasurer in September.
The club's monthly meeting is normally held at a Houston area library's club room on the 2nd Saturday of each month at at 12:00 noon. Visitors and guests are always welcome. A business meeting is held on the same day as the general meeting at 11:00 a.m. in a resturant near the library. For meeting times an places go to the Meetings Page.
President (d)
Dean Icher |
VicePresident (e)
Ray Thompson |
Treasurer (b)
Gary Toll |
Secretary (a)
Joe Sybille |
Librarian (h)
Ray Thompson |
Webmaster/Editor (f)
Dick Kostelnicek |
Photographer (j)
Jan Rowland |
CNC SIG Coordinator (g)
Martin Kennedy |
Casting SIG Coordinator (i)
Tom Moore |
Novice SIG Coordinator (c)
John Cooper |